Saturday, March 31, 2007

Deerhoof - Spirit Ditties of No Tone

I LOVE Deerhoof. But before I go into this I'm going to announce how blogspot has been acting up on me for the last of the few days. The posting options it's giving me now is severely diminished and when I modify text here (bold, italics, or add a picture) all i see is the html rather than the result. Hopefully it's just a temporary thing as it's a total pain in the ass. I'll continue this boner blog though- regardless to how ugly this post looks.

Deerhoof! Yes! I cannot get enough of the hoof. I am a child of the hoof. "Spirit Ditties of No Tone" -one of their best! It's fun, catchy, and technically complex. All three?! Yes.

Deerhoof - Spirit Ditties of No Tone

Now two live performances: one with dancing children, one without.

Sans the kidz:

Deerhoof @ KillRockStars

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