Thursday, April 19, 2007

Belle and Sebastian - We Rule the School

I think it's physically impossible to choose just one favorite Belle & Sebastian song. I feel the same way for the Magnetic Fields....there's just so many great songs. However I am certain that this song "We Rule the School," contains my favorite Belle and Sebastian moment. This would be the flute solo that enters around the 2:20 mark. It's so beautiful that I wouldn't mind if looped for 10 minutes straight. I wish I could play the flute... not enough bands take advantage of it. I blame Jethro Tull for this. They overkilled the flute, and then for decades all rock musicians were afraid to touch the thing. Playing the flute nowadays in an indie band can be a ballsy move. Bring the flute back I say, but we warned when the power of the flute is too much. It's a delicate balance, but when you pull it off right, it can be absolutely exquisite.

Though the flute section is wonderful, I can't downplay the other 3:00 of the song. "Do something pretty while you can." I love this line. The song begins with questioning a "____ Was Here" carving on a tree truck. While we often scoff at these, feeling it's a stupid act, you sometimes wonder how long ago this said person was here and what they were doing. What was so special, so momentous that they were moved to permanently record their presence on the environment? Maybe it was something truely special and amazing...or maybe they're just a destructive idiot. Still, do something pretty while you can- don't put things off until the future. Seize the day, aye?

Belle and Sebastian - We Rule the School

"On a beech tree rudely carved
NC loved me
Why did she do it?
Was she scared, was she pushed?

Do something pretty while you can
Don't fall asleep
Skating a pirouette on ice is cool

Do something pretty while you can
Don't be a fool
Reading the Gospel to yourself is fine

On a bus stop in the town
"We Rule The School"
Written for anyone to see and read

On a bus stop in the town
"We Rule The School"
Written for anyone with eyes in their head

Do something pretty while you can
Don't fall asleep
Driving from California to New York

Call me a prophet if you want
It's no secret
You know the world is made for men
You know the world is made for men
You know the world is made for men
Not us"

For something different, here's a wonderful comic interpretation of the song. It comes from Put the Book Back on the Shelf, a graphic novel made up of various artist renderings of Belle & Sebastian songs. I highly recommend it.

Belle and Sebastian - Tigermilk @


Samantha. said...

that's a really nice belle song

Anonymous said...

Belle & Sebastian have really relaxing and depressing music. Perfect when you have to buy kamagra ! XD It's like the perfect soundtrack for that moment.