Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Grizzly Bear - Knife

As I mentioned yesterday I saw Grizzly Bear play with Feist, but I didn't saw much else about them or how good they are (though there was a clear implication.) Well, they were good to say the least. The crowd was pretty much blown away by them. It was one of the best reactions I've ever seen in the history of my concert going experience towards an opening act. Before the show I was only somewhat familiar with the band. I had given their 2006 album Yellow House a download after hearing good things about it. However it wasn't until the other day where I bought the physical album and their previous one at the show that I gave it a complete listen. Now that I think of it, I'm a bit surprised I didn't give them a listen earlier as I had grown to love their singles "Deep Sea Diver," and the subject of this entry "Knife." I was also taken aback at how impressive the music videos were for each of those songs, especially considering how they're not a band who would have a video budget in the Puff Daddy (I refuse to call him Diddy. I can't change my name with the snap of a finger, so he shouldn't be able to either) digits.

Their performance was both technically impressive as well as by their experimentation and unorthodox song structures. They all have very solid singing vocals and with a penchant for harmonizing together. They frequently used various looping effects on the vocals, so they could have a particular phrase continue while they sang live over it. They also incorporated this for a flute and occasionally their tremolo heavy guitar tones. "Knife" was definitely the highlight of their set. When glancing around at the song's end smiles of approval were abound and clapping hands were raised high in favor. The song is really a fantastic one. It's probably the most instantly melodic song in the band's catalog, faintly recalling Motown music of the early 60's. You can pinpoint some of the band's influences, the Beach Boys and My Bloody Valentine being two obvious ones, but apart from being a guiding force Grizzly Bear's sound is undeniably their own. This is definitely one of the best songs from last year, no contest. I'd even say there's a good chance it could make a best songs of the decade list. Every listen is severely impressive.

Grizzly Bear - Knife

"I want you to know
when I look in your eyes
with every blow
comes another lie

you think its alright
you think its alright
you think its alright
you think its alright

can't you feel the knife?
can't you feel the knife?
can't you feel the knife?
can't you feel the knife?"

Rather than embedding the youtube video instead I'll link to a quicktime version with impeccable quality. You get so used to watching videos on youtube that when a high definition video comes along, or even one that reflects the source quality, it's shocking. How unfortunate. Like eating so much at McDonald's that an average burger becomes gourmet. We take convenience over quality...that's what it all boils down to.

"Knife" music video

Grizzly Bear - Yellow House @Amazon.com

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